Email Us

Missing pieces and issues with your order:
General information:

Call US

If you have an urgent question, or cannot find the answer to your question through our website you can reach us via phone at + 1 (347) 815-1234.

General Address

New York Puzzle Company
178 Columbus Avenue
P.O. Box 237124
New York, NY 10023-0030

We're Here to Help

We are working round-the-clock to respond to all your inquiries.  However our phones will be open from 9:00am – 5:00pm EST Monday through Friday.

By providing my phone number to “New York Puzzle Company”, I agree and acknowledge that “New York Puzzle Company” may send text messages to my wireless phone number for any purpose. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency will vary, and you will be able to Opt-out by replying “STOP”. For more information on how your data will be handled please see our privacy policy.