Artist Feature: R. Kikuo Johnson

Artist Feature: R. Kikuo Johnson

Meet the creative mind behind one of our most beloved puzzles, The New Yorker Magazine Bodega Cat and many other New Yorker Magazine covers, R. Kikuo Johnson. 

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Photo Credit: @r_kikuo_johnson

About R. Kikuo Johnson

R. Kikuo Johnson, a cartoonist and illustrator born in Maui in 1981, is known for his award-winning work. His drawings and stories frequently appear in books, advertisements, periodicals, animations, and on the cover of The New Yorker.

Shop all New Yorker Covers illustrated by Kikuo Johnson

Johnson splits his time between drawing in Brooklyn, teaching at the Rhode Island School of Design, and playing the ukulele with his family in Hawaii.

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Bodega Cat, $25

A Bodega cat snoozes on the storefront counter as New Yorkers go about their usual day. New Yorker Cover by Artist R. Kikuo Johnson, originally published on September 18th, 2023

Double Parked, $23

A couple holding hands lock and double park their bikes onto a signpost before heading down a path toward a beach. New Yorker Cover by Artist R. Kikuo Johnson, originally published on August 8th, 2022.


Visit R. Kikuo Johnson's portfolio website to explore more of his artwork.